Tex Mex Salsa
Tex Mex Salsa Recipe is extremely easy to throw together. Just about all the ingredients are yes straight from the can, be sure to drain the chiles and the olives.
The green onion will give some great color contrast so chop up the tops as well.
What do they mean when they say scoville unit or how hot is that chile anyway?
Check out the Capt’n Salsa’s Fool Proof Chile Heat Index to find out.
Your future homemade salsa recipe making endeavors will appreciate it. The main thing is to have fun in the kitchen and enjoy entertaining your family and friends.
Now, don’t take Capt’n Salsa the wrong way, I love the heat of a good chile, but there is a big difference between hot and hurt.
The true chile head club would probably kick me out if they knew the habanero chile really curls my toes…but oh boy, what a flavor.
How To Make Enchiladas (Tex-Mex Style)
You know you’re a chile head when you use cheese and chopped habanero to stuff your jalapeno poppers.